from TIME Magazine Special Mind & Body Issue -
"The Science of Happiness"
January 17, 2005
A Smile Doesn't
always Mean Happy....
Laughter is the blunderbuss
of positive signals---loud, arresting, a little bit crude. The
smile, by contrast, is a marvel of subtlety, conveying nuances
of meaning so fine that we're not even aware of them much of the
time. Says Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of
California, Berkeley: "The word smile doesn't characterize
al the rich ways we signal positive emotions."
He should know: the smile
is Keltner's research specialty. and he has analyzed thousands
of smiling faces to untangle their complex physiology. Some of
the muscles involved in smiling are under our voluntary control--
the zygmaticus major, for example, which pulls the lip corners
up. Tighten those and you have what Keltner refers to as the "Pan
American smile," after the forced grins of flight attendants.
It's not necessarily phony. It's a smile of politeness rather
than happiness. Even infants will show it when a stranger enters
a room. We use these muscles, says Keltner, to be entertaining,
to dramatize. Some neat examples: the feigned smile of polite
enjoyment when your boss is telling a joke you've heard a thousand
times, or the smile when people greet each other, when they press
their lips together."
But another batch of smile muscles is generally
beyond our control. One is the orbicularis oculi, which surrounds
the eye; only about 5% of people can willfully control it. "When
that muscle contracts," says Keltner, "it gives you
crow's-feet, a little gleam in your eye, raises your cheek up
and impouches the lower eyelid." Those are the key features
of the "Duchenne smile," named for the 18th century
French physiologist who first described it. It's considered the
most heartfelt smile, because it is linked to feelings of happiness
and activation of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is associated
with positive emotions. "Young infants show it when their
mom approaches," notes Keltner. He has found that when people
see a picture of a Duchenne smiler, even when it's presented subliminally,
"it makes you smile in return, and feel calmer, more relaxed."
As part of his research, Keltner
analyzed the smiles of women pictured in yearbooks dating back
to 1960, then followed up with the women themselves. Amazingly,
he found that, decades later, those with Duchenne smiles turned
out to be happier people than the Pan Am smilers. "They got
married earlier, and they are happier in their marriage, feel
less stress, feel broader well-being." Keltner says.
It isn't the eyes that are
the windows into the soul; it's the smiles that surround them.
--Michael D. Lemonick
(Reported by Daniel Cray/Los Angeles)
Time magazine - January 17, 2005 |