There once
was a Prince named Clay. He was not loved by all. No one knew
Clay before this story began. He burst into our hearts unaware. |
But Malicifent
was aware, she has evil powers, and knew who rivaled her powers.
it uncanny? Don’t we know of another evil being that dresses
all in black? Oh, but goodness is always in the background,
see the wee bit of purple around the collar? |
our good fairies were aware of the coming of the new Prince.
And, in another uncanny coincidence, somehow, each and every
time I gaze upon these loving faces, I somehow see the faces
of Kay, and Elle, and Jay*, superimposed on these visages. (If
I were talented at chopping, you would too, so get over it.) |
Fate somehow
gives them a wee little bit of advance warning, cause evil is
so powerful. |
Prince Clay
was beloved by most. He was adored by children, but mainly ignored
by the world at large. UNTIL, Prince Clay received
an invitation to sing in preparation for the coronation of a
new King….Our prince joined in the preparations with a
joyful heart…saying to himself, all I can do is give it
my all….just like mama told me…. |
But mama
never told him about the trials he was to encounter. Thank goodness
our prince had his fairy godmothers on his side…. |
With a full
heart, Prince Clay appeared and sang, in tribute to princesses
everywhere, Sugar Pie Honey Bunch……and the fairies
smiled… |
But evil
smirked ah, my beauty….you’ll have to do better
than that….I can smite you with only my words…. |
The competition
continues and Prince Clay slays dragons.…but NOOOO,
not good enough, evil flexes its manboobs, |
and Prince
Clay must surmount gaping chasms and burning briars …
AGAIN….Malicifent TRIES TO take the
upper hand … *coughMacktheKnifecough*... |
but our Prince has goodness on his side and triumphs….*coughUMcough*
*coughtakethatcough* |
Not to be
outdone, Malicifent poopoos the performance…yawn,….yet,
we, the knowing ones….we tire of the evilness and begin
to form our own opinions…we are no longer under the spell
of Malificent….. |
But alas,
our hero, Prince Clay, must continue this journey, no matter….so
therefore…. |
He must undergo
a prick of the finger (gawd, NO FAIR!!!! I...never
mind *sigh* Where was I???) Okay, Prince Clay gives the
performance of this life, or any other, and sings Bridge Over
Troubled Water. The fairies were sitting on his shoulders, NO
ONE can ignore this performance!!!! But alas, Malicifent
somehow, somehow!!!!! blows clouds in the eyes of the judges
of our little contest….Oh, yes, they said the right things,
but didn’t hold their mouths just right…and the
voting public saw the lay of the land…. |
Prince Clay was pricked by the needle of public opinion, only
NOT. |
Our wondermous
Prince Clay bided his time…he is a wise and beneficent
prince. He gave of himself, and was gracious. He supported his
friends. He spoke NO evil, EVER, of anyone, or of his
experience in our little contest. |
Thus, I believe,
he dulled the spell cast by Malicifent. She/he endeavored to
expel our Prince from the “Kingdom of DoMe Forever”,
but to her chagrin….Prince Clay’s magic proved much
stronger. |
As time wore
on, our Prince showed he had the legs (and thighs an' stuff!!!!)
to outlast evil. Prince Clay fought his way out of the briar
patches and slagmires set by Malificent, with the help of his
good fairies, whose numbers multiplied monthly. He burst into
the consciousness of the kingdom (*sigh*, Clay - burst into
my conciousness, please!!!) |
Thus, the
moral of the story…..You just can’t keep a good
man down. |

for letting me post it!
*names changed to protect the not-so-innocent!